In Colorado, most businesses are required to have a sales tax permit. This means that, if you are considering opening a new business or are beginning to make sales in Colorado for the first time, you will need to determine your business' permit requirements. The good news is that you can get a Colorado Sales Tax License and be ready to do business same-day after you submit your application. This guide will help you learn how!
All Colorado businesses who sell, rent, or lease tangible property must get a sales tax license (including businesses not based in Colorado who do business in the state). You need to maintain (and renew) a separate license for every business location you have in Colorado.
Businesses with a taxable presence within Colorado are considered to have sales tax nexus within the state. For more details on what constitutes a taxable presence, see sales tax nexus in Colorado.
Colorado-based businesses that have already registered with the state can use the tools at to go through the registration process and acquire a sales tax permit. Forms can also be submitted via mail (this is still the only way for out-of-state-businesses to apply), but note that this will delay receipt of your permit by 2-3 weeks.
Colorado collects a $50.00 deposit upon approval of your sales tax permit, and requres bi-yearly renewals at a cost of $16. You must renew the permit for each location you have in Colorado separately.
Business entity type,
Personal identification information,
Business identification information,
Type of products that you sell
Applying for a Colorado Sales Tax License is free, and you will receive your permit same-day after filing your application.
Application Fee: $50
Turnaround Time: Same-day
Permit Renewals: Every 2 years
Note about permit renewals:
Your Colorado Sales Tax License must be renewed every other year. To renew your license you can submit Form DR 0594, the "Renewal Application for Sales Tax License". A $16 renewal fee applies.
You can easily acquire your Colorado Sales Tax License online using the Colorado Business Express website. If you have quetions about the online permit application process, you can contact the Department of Revenue via the sales tax permit hotline (303) 238-7378 or by checking the permit info website .
While generally slower than applying online, you can apply for a Colorado Sales Tax License for your business offline using Form CR 0100AP, the "Sales Tax Withholding Account Application". Form CR 0100AP can be downloaded from the Department of Revenue here .
Mail Completed Form CR 0100AP To:
Registration Control Section
PO Box 17087
Denver CO 80217-0087 What's Next? Now that you know how to apply for your Colorado Sales Tax License, learn how to collect and remit the Colorado sales tax.
Simplify Colorado sales tax compliance! We provide sales tax rate databases for businesses who manage their own sales taxes, and can also connect you with firms that can completely automate the sales tax calculation and filing process. Click here to get more information.
Tired of manually handling sales taxes? Avalara can automate your multi-state sales tax returns, let you know when you've triggered nexus, and more. Request a free demo of Avalara today.
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