RCSD Curriculum Guide

Administrators, counselors, teachers and all other staff of Rankin County School District are dedicated to providing students a well-rounded curriculum that is designed to produce successful learners, while supporting personal, social, and emotional development.

This handbook is provided as a guide for students and parents to use collaboratively as a plan is established for the journey through school that will lead, ultimately, to the goal of securing a productive career. Think about academic and career goals as courses are selected. The district provides a variety of course options for students to access so they can become informed decision makers regarding their own path toward success in the global economy.

Planning is of the utmost importance. It is recommended that parents and students talk at length about anticipated career options and design a course of study that will support the goals set. Personnel are available at the local school to assist the family in making these important educational decisions.

Our Mission

*B*ring *E*veryone’s *S*trengths *T*ogether! We will all intentionally focus on empowering our students to reach their maximum potential by embracing opportunities and challenges while cultivating a tradition of distinction in education.

Equal Educational Opportunities

The Rankin County School District grants equal educational opportunities to all qualified persons regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, marital status, religion, or disability.

It is the intent and desire of the Rankin County Board of Education that equal educational opportunities be provided in any and all educational programs and activities.

All inquiries regarding Rankin County School District’s nondiscrimination policies, requests for copies of grievance procedures, and filing of grievances should be submitted to the following person:

Dr. Sue Townsend, Superintendent
Rankin County School District
1220 Apple Park Place
Brandon, MS 39042

LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-15-35; 1972 Educational Amendments, Title IX; 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503 & 504; 45 CFR Part 84 and Part 86; Brown vs. Board of Education, 347 U. S. 483 (1954); Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
JB* 7-11-01

Rankin County School District Board of Education

David Dyess
Kym Jamison
Grumpy Farmer
Dr. Ruth Burgess
Mrs.Debbie Tolleson
Ann Sturdivant
Dr. Sue Townsend, Superintendent
Mr. Fred Harrell, Board Attorney

College and Career Readiness

Graduation Requirements

RCSD Policy IHF - Graduation Requirements

Students in Rankin County School District shall graduate from this district utilizing Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) graduation options listed in the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards (MPSAS) and by meeting all other requirements as defined by the Mississippi Department of Education. The superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to support this policy. Please refer to the current Rankin County School District Student Handbook for specific information regarding graduation.

Any person who has withdrawn from high school before graduation may be granted a diploma from the Mississippi public high school that the person last attended if the person has:

The Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards for this policy are standards 14 and 21.


Each student graduating from a secondary school in the district shall have earned at least two of the last four Carnegie units at the school granting the diploma. No more than four units earned in summer school programs may be counted toward graduation requirements, with a limit of earning one unit per summer session.

For students entering ninth grade in 2018-19 school year and thereafter:

For more information regarding the Graduation Requirements for students entering 9th grade in 2018-2019 and there after, visit the following site:

For students who entered ninth grade prior to the 2018-19 school year: